
Showing posts from August, 2023

Gaziantep University, National Unity Day" on July 15, 2023. Jan Theuninck

Printscreen of Google image search for "Courbet Origine"  on friday 25 september 2023, start of  European Digital Services Act - le commissaire  n'aime pas l'art français - 

Visions of Europe by Jan Theuninck, Helsinki, 2017, Rikhardinkatu Library

Image "Europe means different things to different people..." - so began the Open Call inviting people to submit Mail Art on the theme: Visions of Europe. The Visions of Europe - 2016 International Mail Art Project catalogue documents the art received for this project and the exhibition at Rikhardinkatu Library, Helsinki that accompanied the project. Helsinki. Project produced by John Gayer. 3rd edition, revised & expanded, 15 August 2017. ISBN 978-952-93-9274-2. The third way is no way, 2004 European totalitarianism sold under a false flag(2016)

Yperiet - Jan Theuninck, 2004 - op Belgische postzegel
